(630) 574-7777 Appointment

Halo Laser

At Aespala Medspa & Plastic Surgery Servicing Both Oak Brook & Elmhurst

Get That HALO® Glow!

Medspa Serving Oak Brook & Elmhurst

At Aespala serving Elmhurst & Oak Brook Halo Laser is a high-end resurfacing laser that uses both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to target multiple skin concerns and restore your skin’s youthful glow. It’s time for the skin you’ve always dreamed of with the Halo® laser. Contact us to schedule your consultation!

Highly Advanced Skin Rejuvenation

What is Halo Laser by Sciton®?

At Aespala serving Oak Brook & Elmhurst Halo Laser by Sciton® uses both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to target different levels of the skin to address the most common skin imperfections that detract from the skin’s natural beauty. The ablative wavelengths are designed to treat superficial skin concerns. At the same time, non-ablative wavelengths address more advanced skin concerns, including deep discoloration, sun damage, and the advanced signs of aging.

The laser heat energy creates thermal injuries in the skin that the body responds to by healing the treatment area and increasing natural collagen production to restore a youthful appearance to the skin. The treatment is customizable and will be custom-tailored to your unique needs during treatment.

oak brook halo laser model smiling

Halo LaserOak Brook & Elmhurst, IL

What Halo Laser Treats

With Halo Laser Oak Brook & Elmhurst patients will find this laser system can perfect the skin in different ways. We can treat the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs. It can target and eliminate skin discoloration, including hyperpigmentation and melasma, and we can also use it to treat large pores, lines, wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, and dyschromia. It also provides an effective solution for those who want to reduce the appearance of acne scars, the common signs of aging, and even pigmented lesions.

  • Acne scars
  • Signs of aging
  • Enlarged pores
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sun damage & dyschromia
elmhurst halo laser model with brown hair

Revitalize and Rejuvenate

Benefits of Halo Laser

Patients love this specific laser system because the treatments are completely customizable and can address unique concerns.

You can expect noticeable results after just one treatment, minimal downtime, and quick healing. With Halo Laser Elmhurst & Oak Brook patients can also expect better results in less time compared to other laser devices, typically within five days of treatment.

Benefits Of The Halo

  • Low downtime
  • Faster healing
  • Works on all skin types
  • Experience the “HALO® Glow!”
  • Better results in less time
  • Dramatic results in 1 treatment
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment
  • Customizable treatment to your skin’s needs

Beautiful, Youthful, Radiant Skin

Your Customized Halo Laser Treatment Plan

If you are looking for a laser treatment that can perfect your skin in as little as one to two treatments without requiring significant social downtime, you may be a good candidate for Halo Laser. We can schedule an initial consultation to discuss the treatment, give you more details about what to expect, and confirm your treatment eligibility so that you can experience all of its benefits and achieve beautiful, youthful, and radiant skin. There are many different laser treatments available for cosmetic use, so choosing the right option can be overwhelming. At Aespala Medspa & Plastic Surgery in Oak Brook, IL, we can help take the guesswork out of the process with customized treatment plans that include the Halo Laser by Sciton®. Halo is a revolutionary skin resurfacing laser that can treat and correct the most common problematic skin conditions for patients with skin types I through VI.

Get Started

Renew Your Shine

What is the Halo Laser Process?

Before the treatment begins for Halo Laser Oak Brook aesthetic specialists will apply a numbing cream, which takes approximately 40 minutes to work. Then, we will follow your unique treatment plan, using laser technology to target different areas at the skin depths necessary to address your concerns. You won’t have to worry about any discomfort since we apply the pre-treatment numbing cream, and the device is also equipped with integrated cooling technology that enhances patient comfort. Patients may feel a prickly or warming sensation during treatment.

Target Imperfections

Halo Laser Results

While individual experiences may vary for Halo Laser, many clients notice an immediate improvement in skin tone and texture after the procedure. However, the full extent of the results becomes more apparent over the following weeks as the skin undergoes a natural healing and rejuvenation process.

Halo Laser's unique fractional laser technology stimulates collagen production and targets skin imperfections, revealing smoother, more youthful skin. The immediate glow is a testament to the treatment's efficacy. Still, optimal results, including reduced fine lines, improved pigmentation, and enhanced overall skin quality, continue to develop over several months. The gradual progression ensures a natural and long-lasting transformation, and our expert team at Aespala is dedicated to guiding you through the post-treatment journey with personalized care and support.

Natural Skin Renewal

Halo Laser Recovery and Aftercare

Following your Halo Laser treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling, akin to a sunburn, a natural part of the skin renewal. Our expert team provides detailed post-treatment instructions to ensure a comfortable and efficient recovery. During the initial days post-treatment, keeping the treated area moisturized and protected from direct sunlight is essential. Sunscreen application becomes crucial to safeguard the newly rejuvenated skin. While individual recovery experiences may vary, most clients can resume their regular activities within a few days, with makeup application allowed after the first day.

Halo Laser Frequently Asked Questions

You can see amazing results with one Halo Laser treatment! But depending on your aesthetic goals or skin type, your treatment plan may vary. Most patients achieve their ideal results within one to two treatments, but others need more to address more advanced skin concerns. We can give you more details about your treatment plan once we evaluate your skin in person. Share with us your beauty concerns, and we will create a customized treatment plan with our recommended services!

You will start with numbing for about 40 minutes prior to the treatment. The Halo Laser holds an integrated cooling technology, which helps with any discomfort. Our clients report feeling some heat and prickly-like sensation

You can see results in up to 5 days after. Your treatment results with Halo Laser will continue to get better and better every day.

Curate Your Customized Treatment Plan

Aespala welcomes each patient with heartfelt care and dedication to providing an optimally personalized experience. Share your beauty concerns with us and we will create a customized treatment plan with our recommended services!

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